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The website Benjamin Franklin would have bookmarked

Looking out for the Nation


Think back to these movies. Little Billy is a fresh-faced young sixth grader, who randomly happens on some shady-looking characters behind the gym. For unknown reasons, the ninth-grade thug tries to get Billy to start smoking. No one knows why, since it was probably pretty difficult for a high school freshman to get his hands on some cigarettes. But he decides to reach out to this little sixth grader and offer him a smoke and some social interaction- because all the "cool kids" are doing it...

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This 1980 classic has it all, and by that I mean Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. I'm sorry, but any movie starring Kareem is worth seeing. As Shane Enos once told a person who has not seen this outstanding movie, "You didn't see this movie. Surely, you can't be serious." "No, I am serious,and don' call me Shirley." So watch this movie and see Kareem's true talent. Caution: For some reason girls do not find this movie funny, so be ready for a sausage fest. I'll give Airplane! a pepper.
Who do you want to see inducted into the Hall of Fame?
Ted Emanski
Shooter McGavin
The Beets
Quail Man
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